Source code for pyra.logger


Responsible for logging related functions.
# future imports
from __future__ import annotations

# standard imports
import contextlib
import errno
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
import threading
import traceback
from logging import handlers
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler, QueueListener

# lib imports
from configobj import ConfigObj

# local imports
import pyra
from pyra import definitions
from pyra import helpers

# These settings are for file logging only
py_name = 'pyra'
MAX_SIZE = 5000000  # 5 MB

# used for log filters



# Global queue for multiprocessing logging
queue = None

[docs] def blacklist_config(config: ConfigObj): """ Update blacklist words. In order to filter words out of the logs, it is required to call this function. Values in the config for keys containing the following terms will be removed. - HOOK - APIKEY - KEY - PASSWORD - TOKEN Parameters ---------- config : ConfigObj Config to parse. Examples -------- >>> config_object = pyra.config.create_config(config_file='config.ini') >>> blacklist_config(config=config_object) """ blacklist = set() blacklist_keys = ['HOOK', 'APIKEY', 'KEY', 'PASSWORD', 'TOKEN'] for k, v in config.items(): for key, value in v.items(): if isinstance(value, str) and len(value.strip()) > 5 and \ key.upper() not in _WHITELIST_KEYS and (key.upper() in blacklist_keys or any(bk in key.upper() for bk in _BLACKLIST_KEYS)): blacklist.add(value.strip()) _BLACKLIST_WORDS.update(blacklist)
[docs] class NoThreadFilter(logging.Filter): """ Log filter for the current thread. .. todo:: This documentation needs to be improved. Parameters ---------- threadName : str The name of the thread. Methods ------- filter: Filter the given record. Examples -------- >>> NoThreadFilter('main') <pyra.logger.NoThreadFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self, threadName): super(NoThreadFilter, self).__init__() self.threadName = threadName
[docs] def filter(self, record) -> bool: """ Filter the given record. .. todo:: This documentation needs to be improved. Parameters ---------- record : NoThreadFilter The record to filter. Returns ------- bool True if record.threadName is not equal to self.threadName, otherwise False. Examples -------- >>> NoThreadFilter('main').filter(record=NoThreadFilter('test')) True >>> NoThreadFilter('main').filter(record=NoThreadFilter('main')) False """ return not record.threadName == self.threadName
# Taken from Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager
[docs] class BlacklistFilter(logging.Filter): """ Filter logs for blacklisted words. Log filter for blacklisted tokens and passwords. Methods ------- filter: Filter the given record. Examples -------- >>> BlacklistFilter() <pyra.logger.BlacklistFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self): super(BlacklistFilter, self).__init__()
[docs] def filter(self, record) -> bool: """ Filter the given record. .. todo:: This documentation needs to be improved. Parameters ---------- record : BlacklistFilter The record to filter. Returns ------- bool True in all cases. Examples -------- >>> BlacklistFilter().filter(record=BlacklistFilter()) True """ if not LOG_BLACKLIST: return True for item in _BLACKLIST_WORDS: try: if item in record.msg: record.msg = record.msg.replace(item, 16 * '*') args = [] for arg in record.args: try: arg_str = str(arg) if item in arg_str: arg_str = arg_str.replace(item, 16 * '*') arg = arg_str except Exception: pass args.append(arg) record.args = tuple(args) except Exception: pass return True
[docs] class RegexFilter(logging.Filter): """ Base class for regex log filter. Log filter for regex. Attributes ---------- regex : re.compile The compiled regex pattern. Methods ------- filter: Filter the given record. Examples -------- >>> RegexFilter() <pyra.logger.RegexFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self): super(RegexFilter, self).__init__() self.regex = re.compile(pattern=r'')
[docs] def filter(self, record) -> bool: """ Filter the given record. .. todo:: This documentation needs to be improved. Parameters ---------- record : RegexFilter The record to filter. Returns ------- bool True in all cases. Examples -------- >>> RegexFilter().filter(record=RegexFilter()) True """ if not LOG_BLACKLIST: return True try: matches = self.regex.findall(record.msg) for match in matches: record.msg = self.replace(record.msg, match) args = [] for arg in record.args: try: arg_str = str(arg) matches = self.regex.findall(arg_str) if matches: for match in matches: arg_str = self.replace(arg_str, match) arg = arg_str except Exception: pass args.append(arg) record.args = tuple(args) except Exception: pass return True
def replace(self, text, match): return text
[docs] class PublicIPFilter(RegexFilter): """ Log filter for public IP addresses. Class responsible for filtering public IP addresses. Attributes ---------- regex : re.compile The compiled regex pattern. Methods ------- replace: Filter that replaces a string within another string. Examples -------- >>> PublicIPFilter() <pyra.logger.PublicIPFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self): super(PublicIPFilter, self).__init__() # Currently only checking for ipv4 addresses self.regex = re.compile(pattern=r'[0-9]+(?:[.-][0-9]+){3}(?!\d*-[a-z0-9]{6})')
[docs] def replace(self, text: str, ip: str) -> str: """ Filter a public address. Filter the given ip address out of the given text. The ip address will only be filter if it is public. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to replace the ip address within. ip : str The ip address to replace with asterisks. Returns ------- str The original text with the ip address replaced. Examples -------- >>> PublicIPFilter().replace(text='Testing', ip='') 'Testing ***.***.***.***' """ if helpers.is_public_ip(ip.replace('-', '.')): partition = '-' if '-' in ip else '.' return text.replace(ip, partition.join(['***'] * 4)) return text
[docs] class EmailFilter(RegexFilter): """ Log filter for email addresses. Class responsible for filtering email addresses. Attributes ---------- regex : re.compile The compiled regex pattern. Methods ------- replace: Filter that replaces a string within another string. Examples -------- >>> EmailFilter() <pyra.logger.EmailFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self): super(EmailFilter, self).__init__() self.regex = re.compile(pattern=r'([a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@' r'(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
[docs] def replace(self, text: str, email: str) -> str: """ Filter an email address. Filter the given email address out of the given text. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to replace the email address within. email : str The email address to replace with asterisks. Returns ------- str The original text with the email address replaced. Examples -------- >>> EmailFilter().replace(text='Testing', email='') 'Testing ****************@********' """ email_parts = email.partition('@') return text.replace(email, 16 * '*' + email_parts[1] + 8 * '*')
[docs] class PlexTokenFilter(RegexFilter): """ Log filter for X-Plex-Token. Class responsible for filtering Plex tokens. Attributes ---------- regex : re.compile The compiled regex pattern. Methods ------- replace: Filter that replaces a string within another string. Examples -------- >>> PlexTokenFilter() <pyra.logger.PlexTokenFilter object at 0x...> """ def __init__(self): super(PlexTokenFilter, self).__init__() self.regex = re.compile(pattern=r'X-Plex-Token(?:=|%3D)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
[docs] def replace(self, text: str, token: str) -> str: """ Filter a token. Filter the given token out of the given text. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to replace the token within. token : str The token to replace with asterisks. Returns ------- str The original text with the token replaced. Examples -------- >>> PlexTokenFilter().replace(text='x-plex-token=5FBCvHo9vFf9erz8ssLQ', token='5FBCvHo9vFf9erz8ssLQ') 'x-plex-token=****************' """ return text.replace(token, 16 * '*')
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def listener(logger: logging.Logger): """ Create a QueueListener. Wrapper that create a QueueListener, starts it and automatically stops it. To be used in a with statement in the main process, for multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger The logger object. Examples -------- >>> logger = get_logger(name='retroarcher') >>> listener(logger=logger) """ global queue # Initialize queue if not already done if queue is None: try: queue = multiprocessing.Queue() except OSError as e: queue = False # Some machines don't have access to /dev/shm. See # for more information. if e.errno == errno.EACCES: logger.warning('Multiprocess logging disabled, because current user cannot map shared memory. You ' 'won\'t see any logging generated by the worker processed.') # Multiprocess logging may be disabled. if not queue: yield else: queue_listener = QueueListener(queue, *logger.handlers) try: queue_listener.start() yield finally: queue_listener.stop()
[docs] def init_multiprocessing(logger: logging.Logger): """ Remove all handlers and add QueueHandler on top. This should only be called inside a multiprocessing worker process, since it changes the logger completely. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger The logger to initialize for multiprocessing. Examples -------- >>> logger = get_logger(name='retroarcher') >>> init_multiprocessing(logger=logger) """ # Multiprocess logging may be disabled. if not queue: return # Remove all handlers and add the Queue handler as the only one. for handler in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(handler) queue_handler = QueueHandler(queue) queue_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(queue_handler) # Change current thread name for log record threading.current_thread().name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
[docs] def get_logger(name: str) -> logging.Logger: # this also exists in to prevent circular imports """ Get a logger. Return the logging.Logger object for a given name. Additionally, replaces logger.warn with logger.warning. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the logger to get. Returns ------- logging.Logger The logging.Logger object. Examples -------- >>> get_logger(name='retroarcher') <Logger retroarcher (WARNING)> """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.warn = logger.warning # replace warn with warning return logger
[docs] def setup_loggers(): """ Setup all loggers. Setup all the available loggers. Examples -------- >>> setup_loggers() """ loggers_list = [py_name, 'werkzeug'] submodules = pkgutil.iter_modules(pyra.__path__) for submodule in submodules: loggers_list.append(f'{py_name}.{submodule[1]}') for logger_name in loggers_list: init_logger(log_name=logger_name)
[docs] def init_logger(log_name: str) -> logging.Logger: """ Create a logger. Creates a logging.Logger object from the given log name. Parameters ---------- log_name : str The name of the log to create. Returns ------- logging.Logger The logging.Logger object. Examples -------- >>> init_logger(log_name='retroarcher') <Logger retroarcher (INFO)> """ logger = logging.getLogger(name=log_name) # Close and remove old handlers. This is required to reinitialize the loggers at runtime log_handlers = logger.handlers for handler in log_handlers: # Just make sure it is cleaned up. if isinstance(handler, handlers.RotatingFileHandler): handler.close() elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): handler.flush() logger.removeHandler(handler) # Configure the logger to accept all messages logger.propagate = False logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if pyra.DEBUG else logging.INFO) # Setup file logger file_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s :: %(threadName)s : %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Setup file logger log_dir = definitions.Paths.LOG_DIR if os.path.isdir(log_dir): filename = os.path.join(log_dir, f'{log_name}.log') file_handler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=filename, maxBytes=MAX_SIZE, backupCount=MAX_FILES, encoding='utf-8') file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # Setup console logger if not pyra.QUIET: console_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s :: %(threadName)s : %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Add filters to log handlers # Only add filters after the config file has been initialized # Nothing prior to initialization should contain sensitive information if not pyra.DEV and pyra.CONFIG: log_handlers = logger.handlers for handler in log_handlers: handler.addFilter(BlacklistFilter()) handler.addFilter(PublicIPFilter()) handler.addFilter(EmailFilter()) handler.addFilter(PlexTokenFilter()) # Install exception hooks if log_name == py_name: # all tracebacks go to 'pyra.log' _init_hooks(logger) # replace warn # logger.warn = logger.warning return logger
def _init_hooks(logger: logging.Logger, global_exceptions: bool = True, thread_exceptions: bool = True, pass_original: bool = True): """This method installs exception catching mechanisms. Any exception caught will pass through the exception hook, and will be logged to the logger as an error. Additionally, a traceback is provided. This is very useful for crashing threads and any other bugs, that may not be exposed when running as daemon. The default exception hook is still considered, if pass_original is True. """ def excepthook(*exception_info): # We should always catch this to prevent loops! try: message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exception_info)) logger.error("Uncaught exception: %s", message) except Exception: pass # Original excepthook if pass_original: sys.__excepthook__(*exception_info) # Global exception hook if global_exceptions: sys.excepthook = excepthook # Thread exception hook if thread_exceptions: old_init = threading.Thread.__init__ def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs): old_init(self, *args, **kwargs) old_run = def new_run(*args, **kwargs): try: old_run(*args, **kwargs) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception: excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) = new_run # Monkey patch the run() by monkey patching the __init__ method threading.Thread.__init__ = new_init
[docs] def shutdown(): """ Stop logging. Shutdown logging. Examples -------- >>> shutdown() """ logging.shutdown()
# get logger log = get_logger(name=__name__)